钟剑修 | Selling to Consumers with Intransitive Indifference




主题:Selling to Consumers with Intransitive Indifference



We are indifferent between two cups of coffee when one differs from the other in having only one more grain of sugar. But such an indifference is not transitive, because eventually, after many enough grains of sugar are added, we will become able to tell one cup is sweeter than the other. When consumers feature intransitive indifference, putting a bad deal along side a good deal can boost the sale of the latter by helping consumers to better appreciate it. When sellers compete for these consumers, they tend not to undercut each other, because undercutting often go un-appreciated. Instead, sellers segregate into providers of good deals and bad deals, with the formers free-ridingon the latters in helping consumers better appreciate their good deals, and the latters free-riding on the formers in making consumers less hesitant to buy.


钟教授于美国威斯康辛大学获得经济学博士学位,曾任教于西北大学(美国),并于明尼苏达大学(美国)获得终身教授职称,还曾在香港中文大学(香港特别行政区)任教,现在任教于香港浸会大学(香港特别行政区)。钟剑修教授坚决维护一国两制,与祖国大陆联系紧密,与多位大陆学者合作并发表文章。他主要的研究的领域是微观经济理论,包括博弈论、消费者行为与厂商竞争等话题。钟教授成果卓越,在我校经管类A类英文期刊上发表9篇文章,其中在世界顶级的经济学五大期刊之一的Review of Economic Studies发表一篇。
