翁茜 | A Field Experiment on Compensating Differentials: The Case of Job Flexibility




题目:A Field Experiment on Compensating Differentials: The Case of Job Flexibility

主讲人:翁茜 讲师

主持人:龚冰琳 研究员


We explore evidence on compensating differentials and the flexibility of jobs offered by employers, using data from a field experiment on a Chinese job board. In the experiment, we generate random variation across job seekers in invitations to apply for jobs that differ in terms of job flexibility – job flexibility conditions that vary with respect to both when one works (time flexibility) and where one works (place flexibility). We find strong experimental evidence that workers value job flexibility – and especially flexibility regarding place of work. Across the experimental variation in invitations to apply for jobs that our subjects receive, they are much more likely to apply for flexible jobs, conditional on the salary offered. Moreover, when we administer a questionnaire to job seekers who have applied for our experimental jobs, there is strong evidence they are willing to take lower pay in return for more flexible jobs – in particular jobs with flexibility regarding work location. Finally, non-experimental data from the job board we utilize does not find evidence that workers value job flexibility. The contrast with the experimental evidence indicates that experimental data can be valuable in providing evidence on workers’ willing to pay for positive job amenities or to avoid negative job amenities.   


翁茜,瑞典哥德堡大学经济学博士,中国人民大学劳动人事学院讲师,主要研究领域为激励机制和企业绩效。近年来,已在Journal of Public Economic、China Economic Review等期刊上发表多篇论文。
