6月30日 统计学学术报告





Title: Multiple change-points detection in high dimension

Abstract: Change-point detection is an integral component of statistical modeling and estimation. For high-dimensional data, classical methods based on the Mahalanobis distance are typically inapplicable. We propose a novel testing statistic by combining a modified Euclidean distance and an extreme statistic, and its null distribution is asymptotically normal. The new method naturally strikes a balance between the detection abilities for both dense and sparse changes, which gives itself an edge to potentially outperform existing methods. Furthermore, the number of change-points is determined by a new Schwarz’s information criterion together with a pre-screening procedure, and the locations of the change-points can be estimated via the dynamic programming algorithm in conjunction with the intrinsic order structure of the objective function. Under some mild conditions, we show that the new method provides consistent estimation with an almost optimal rate. Simulation studies show that the proposed method has satisfactory performance of identifying multiple change-points in terms of power and estimation accuracy.





Title: Directional Change-Point Detection for Multivariate Categorical Data

Abstract: Most modern processes involve multiple quality characteristics that are all measured on attribute levels, and their overall quality is determined by these characteristics simultaneously. The characteristic factors usually correlate with each other, making multivariate categorical control techniques a must. We study Phase I analysis of multivariate categorical processes (MCPs) to identify the presence of change-points in the reference dataset. A directional change-point detection method based on log-linear models is proposed. The method exploits directional shift information and integrates MCPs into the unified framework of multivariate binomial and multivariate multinomial distributions. A diagnostic scheme for identifying the change-point location and the shift direction is also suggested. Numerical simulations are conducted to demonstrate the detection effectiveness and the diagnostic accuracy.
