



地点:中山北路校区 理科大楼A1716会议室

讲题一:Why and When Employees Like Working with their Enemies? The Role of Machiavellianism in Unfavorable Leader-member Exchange Comparison Processes

讲题二:The Face of Misconduct: An Expectancy Violations Perspective on CEO Facial Features and Media Engagement with Corporate Wrongdoing



讲题一:Why and When Employees Like Working with their Enemies? The Role of Machiavellianism in Unfavorable Leader-member Exchange Comparison Processes

主讲人:Herman Tse, 副教授, Monash University (澳洲莫纳什大学)


Herman Tse是澳洲莫纳什商学院(AACSB, EQUIS and AMBA)企业管理系副教授,同时是ECR Network主任。他的研究兴趣包括变革型领导行为、领导成员交换、团队中的情绪及跨层次管理问题。近年来主要聚焦于采用新的理论视角和研究方法研究团队中主管、下属和同事人际交往间的情绪问题。

HermanJournal of Applied Psychology, Leadership Quarterly, Journal of Organizational Behavior, Human Resource Management等国际顶级/权威期刊上发表文章。同时,他在 Journal of Organizational Behavior, Management Organization Review, Journal of Business Research, Group and Organization Management Journal四本期刊担任编委。


Individuals are always sensitive to their relative status in different leader-member exchanges (LMXs) through the comparison of their own LMXs with those of others, which may affect their interaction with each other. Little research, however, has examined whether or not one’s LMX is outperformed by another coworker will always influence one to have a negative perception and reaction to this coworker within a dyad. Drawing on social comparison and utility affiliation theories and also the Machiavellianism (Mach) research, we propose to test a moderated-mediation model uncovering why and when employees with high Mach can affiliate with their comparison target coworkers in unfavorable LMX comparison processes. Our results revealed that a lower level of A’s LMX compared with a higher level of B’s LMX elicits A’s perception of status threat when Mach is high. We also found that A’s perceived status threat motivates A to engage in affiliative behaviors displaying impression-management toward B when Mach is high. Finally, interpersonally impression-management was positively associated with supervisor-rated impression-management at the individual level.

讲题二:The Face of Misconduct: An Expectancy Violations Perspective on CEO Facial Features and Media Engagement with Corporate Wrongdoing

主讲人:Jun GU (顾俊), 高级讲师, Monash University (澳洲莫纳什大学)


Jun GU目前是澳洲莫纳什商学院(AACSB, EQUIS and AMBA)企业管理系高级讲师。他的研究兴趣包括伦理型决策、领导行为、谈判,以及中国人/亚洲人在西方世界的职业和领导力发展。他曾在Journal of Organizational Behavior, Journal of Experimental Psychology, Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, Journal of Business Ethics等国际权威期刊发表论文。


We examine the microfoundational origins of media engagement (i.e., attention and opinion) with corporate wrongdoing. Drawing on Expectancy Violations Theory and the nascent literature on CEO visual imagery, we argue that firms led by less dominant CEOs, evidenced by their facial width-to-height ratio (fWHR), invite greater attention and more negative opinions from the media in the aftermath of wrongdoing. Media engagement in turn will be associated with higher subsequent advertising intensity, especially for B2B firms. Our findings based on a sample of corporate wrongdoings of US firms from 2005-2015 suggest that (1) cues inferred from CEO facial features may serve as an important microfoundational source of nuance in media engagement with wrongdoing and (2) the heterogeneity in responses to media engagement needs to account for the product-market profile (e.g., B2B vs. B2C) of the organization. Our model evidences how firm expenditures in the aftermath of wrongdoing are partially influenced by preconceived expectations of a CEO. We discuss implications for theory and practice.
