11月30日 | 2022秋季华东师范大学微观经济学暨“灵活就业招工平台行为干预与机制设计”讲座系列


时  间:2022年11月30日(周三)10:00-11:30

地  点:中北校区理科大楼A1214 ,腾讯会议在线直播 ID: 583-5094-2312 密码:1214

主  题:Evaluating Promotion Designs in Mobile Payment Networks

主讲人:陶学臻  上海财经大学助理教授

主持人:龚冰琳 研究员

摘  要:

Financial promotions are widely adopted to establish and maintain market share. We use mobile payments to empirically evaluate the effectiveness of various promotion designs and quantify the basic trade-offs on consumers’ payment preferences. Using a dataset of students’ mobile payment records at a major Chinese university, we document how a UnionPay promotion attracts previous Alipay users and boosts their payment usage. We find that 88% and 28.6% of students’ received rewards convert to additional spending in grocery and dining, respectively. Furthermore, students’ UnionPay adoptions are only driven by discount rewards without changes to their inherent network preferences. We also document heterogeneity among students’ payment adjustments: heavy Alipay users are likely to switch to UnionPay, while heavy incumbent UnionPay users are boosted. Finally, we derive several implications about promotion design with counterfactual results. First, a narrower promotion coverage of eligible merchants concentrates the spending boosting, but it may not offset the loss of narrower adoption. Second, promotions targeting selected consumers can enlarge the user base or encourage usage, but not both. Third, with the same promotion budget, a higher discount ratio is more effective than a higher individual reward cap because of its wider effective user coverage.


