陈琬祎 | Population Games with Strategic Substitutes


讲座地点:理科大楼A 302会议室(中北校区)


讲座题目:Population Games with Strategic Substitutes


This paper studies the property of strategic substitutes in the framework of population games and features heterogeneous players. This formulation generalizes the existing models which usually rely on the assumption of aggregation games or symmetric games. This paper explores the diminishing cross effect condition on the payoff function, which delivers equilibrium uniqueness and several comparative statics results — 1. The equilibrium distribution of actions level rises in the first order stochastic dominance order when the type distribution falls in the first order stochastic dominance order and the dispersion order. 2. The equilibrium distribution of actions rises when the own action effect is larger. This model has applications in games embed with a p2p network structure and other massive social interactions with a pairwise matching nature.


