5月24日 | 丁浩员:Spillover of gender equality or gender tokenism? The diffusion of board female representation on global supply chain


时  间:2023年5月24日(周三)10:00-11:30

地  点:中北电教楼410室

题 目:Spillover of gender equality or gender tokenism? The diffusion of board female representation on global supply chain

报告人:丁浩员 上海财经大学商学院教授

主持人: 李嫦 副教授

主  办:上海并购金融研究院

摘  要:

Drawing on the evidence from 401,565 cross-border supply chains between 2003 and 2021, we find that female board representation practices only spill over from customers to suppliers on global supply chains but not the other way around. Moreover, foreign customers’ female board representation can only drive suppliers to increase non-executive female directors but not other more important directorships. Meanwhile, echoing their foreign customers’ female board representation efforts, most suppliers will add no more than two female directors. In addition, such effects are subjected to a series of industry and country heterogeneities. Taken together, these findings suggest that the diffusion of female board representation on global supply chain primarily manifests as suppliers’ tokenism effort of legitimacy seeking.


丁浩员,香港中文大学博士,现任上海财经大学商学院教授、博士生导师,国际经济合作研究院副院长;致公党中央经济委员会委员,致公党上海市参政议政委员会副主任,政协上海市杨浦区第十五届委员会副秘书长、经济委副主任、常委,致公党杨浦区委副主委;发表包括Journal of International Economics、Journal of Development Economics、Journal of International Business Studies、Production and Operations Management等刊物近40篇,主持教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大项目、国家自然科学基金面上项目等多项课题;兼任Journal of International Money and Finance编委会成员、China and World Economy首批领域副主编、联合国贸易与发展会议学术顾问、欧洲经济与政策研究局会士、中国世界经济学会理事、上海世界经济学会副秘书长等。获国家级(青年)人才计划及多项省级人才计划支持、获浦山学术研究奖、中国科协第一届中国科技青年论坛三等奖等十余项省部级奖励;根据经济学研究机构IDEAS按照RePEc数据进行的排名(基于近10年的发表),是全亚洲排名前5%的经济学者。

