10月27日 | 沈凯玲:What Happens When Employers Can No Longer Discriminate in Job Ads? Evidence from a Chinese Job Board


  间:2020年1027(周二) 13:30-15:00

地  点:腾讯会议 ID: 640 149 276 

题  目:What Happens When Employers Can No Longer Discriminate in Job Ads? Evidence from a Chinese Job Board

主讲人: 沈凯玲 澳大利亚国立大学副教授

摘  要:

We study what happened when employers' explicit gender requests were unexpectedly removed overnight from a Chinese job board, on March 1, 2019. We show that the ban raised the share of women in the pool of successful applicants to jobs that previously requested men (M jobs) by 63 percent, and raised men's share in F jobs by 146 percent. The main mechanism for these effects was through application behaviour - conditional on applying, workers' chances of success in gender-mismatched jobs did not change much after the ban. We do not detect any negative, unintended consequences of the ban for either firms or workers.



沈凯琳博士毕业于英属哥伦比亚大学(UBC,加拿大),获经济学博士学位,曾任教于厦门大学,现任教于澳大利亚国立大学,副教授。她主要的研究的领域是劳动经济学,尤其关注劳动力市场中的性别歧视现象。沈凯琳博士学术成果卓越,其论文多次在国际顶级经济学杂志,如《Quarterly Journal of Economics》,《Journal of Human Resources》和《Journal of Development Economics》等,上发表。
