时 间:2021年5月11日(周二) 10:00-12:00
地 点:理科大楼A302室
题 目:跨境空气污染的溢出效应:基于距离的交通和经济成本
报告人:傅十和 厦门大学王亚南经济研究院、经济学院教授
主 办:宏观经济学团队
摘 要:
The economic costs of trans-boundary pollution spillovers versus local effects is a necessary input in evaluating centralizedversus decentralized environmental policies. Directly estimating these for air pollution is difficult because spillovers are high-frequency and vary with distance while economic outcomes are usually measured with low-frequency and local pollution isendogenous. We develop an approach to quantify local versus spillover effects as a flexible function of distance utilizingcommonly-available pollution and weather data. To correct for the endogeneity of pollution, it uses a mixed two-stage leastsquares method that accommodates high-frequency (daily) pollution data and low-frequency (annual) outcome data. This avoidsusing annual pollution data which generally yields inefficient estimates. We apply the approach to estimate spillovers ofparticulate matter smaller than 10 micrograms (PM10) on manufacturing labor productivity in China. A one μg/m3 annualincrease in PM10 locally reduces the average firm’s annual output by CNY 45,809 while the same increase in a city 50 kilometersaway decreases it by CNY 16,248. The spillovers decline quickly to CNY 2,847 at 600 kilometers and then slowly to zero atabout 1,000 kilometers. The results suggest the need for supra-provincial environmental policies or Coasian prices quantifiedunder the approach.
傅十和,现任厦门大学王亚南经济研究院、经济学院教授,于2005年获得美国波士顿学院经济学博士学位。他主要的研究领域为城市、区域与房地产经济学,劳动经济学,环境经济学,应用计量经济学,经济增长,中国经济。傅十和博士学术成果卓越,在国际权威经济学杂志Review of Economics and Statistics, Journal of Urban Economics, Journal of Public Economics, Journal of Labor Economics, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management等上发表多篇论文。