10月19日 | 2022工商管理学院校庆报告会




地点:腾讯会议324 386 049








摘要:提前期需求预测是库存控制的基础。尽管已经有大量关于预测平均提前期需求的研究,但围绕预测提前期需求方差的研究较少,特别是在随机提前期的情况下。这代表了文献中的一个重要空白,因为安全库存计算明确依赖于提前期需求方差(或等效于无偏估计器的提前期需求预测误差方差)。我们通过探索在随机提前期下估计提前期需求预测误差方差的三种策略的可行性来弥合这一差距:(1)汇总提前期内预测误差的每周期方差,这是经典方法;(2) 考虑累计(提前期内)预测误差的方差;(3) 考虑到时间累计(在提前期长度上)需求导致的预测误差的方差。对于单指数平滑和最小均方误差预测方法,导出了一阶自回归移动平均ARMA(1,1)需求过程的分析结果。数值分析评估了需求自相关和提前期变化对每种策略准确性的影响,以及一种策略优于其他策略的条件。结果表明,教科书中提出的经典策略似乎是最不准确的策略,但具有高负需求自相关的情况除外。对库存控制性能的分析还表明,对于正自相关,经典策略通常导致更高的库存成本和更低的服务水平。












刘白璐:GDP growth incentives and pollution emissions: evidence from China

摘要: We investigate the relationship between gross domestic product (GDP) growth incentives at the government level and pollution emissions at the firm level. Using a sample of Chinese firms in heavily-polluting industries from 2011 to 2020, we find that firms in the provinces with lower GDP growth rates are more likely to emit SO2 than firms in the other provinces. We also find that the results are stronger for firms in provinces with strong government power and in provinces where the promotion incentive of a government official is high. The results are weaker for firms when environmental regulation is weak and in the post-campaign period. We further find these firms are more likely to reduce environmental investment while increasing coal consumption. Overall, this paper provides systematic evidence on how GDP growth incentives trigger pollution emissions at the firm level.

邓英雯:The Impact of International Trade on Auditor Choice: Evidence from China

摘要: We investigate the effect of companies’ international trade on their auditor choices. Using a sample of Chinese listed firms from 2001 to 2016, our results show that companies with more international trade (exports or imports) are more likely to choose Big 10 audit firms, consistent with the signaling theory. To address the endogeneity concern, we perform a difference-in-differences (DiD) design, two-stage instrumental variable (IV) regressions, and the propensity score matching (PSM) method. Additional analyses show that the relation between international trade and auditor choice exists mainly in companies with low financial risk, supporting the signaling argument. Also, this relation is more pronounced (a) when companies’ overseas trading partners are from countries with a stronger legal environment and (b) when companies’ overseas trading partners are in countries with higher information transparency, but is weakened after the IFRS convergence in China. Overall, our findings verify the signaling role of large audit firms in the international market and enrich the literature in the field of the role of audit in cross-border supply chains.




地点: 腾讯会议:949-701-202



楼雯:The diversity of canonical and ubiquitous progress in computer vision: A dynamic topic modeling approach

摘要:Research trends are the keys for researchers to decide their research agenda. However, only few works have tried to quantify how scholars follow the research trends. Here, we address this question by proposing a novel measurement for quantifying how a scientific entity (paper or researcher) follows the hot topics in a research field. Based on extended dynamic topic modeling, the degree of hotness tracing of papers and scholars is explored from three different perspectives: mainstream, short-term direction, long-term direction. By analyzing a large-scale dataset, containing all more than 270,000 papers and 45,000 authors in Computer Vision (CV), we found that the authors’ orientation is more in the established mainstream rather than based on incremental directions and make little difference in the choice of long-term or short-term direction. Moreover, we identified six groups of researchers in the CV community by clustering research behavior, who differed significantly in their patterns of orientation, topic selection, and impact. This study provides a new quantitative method for analyzing topic trend and scholars’ research interests, capturing the diversity of patterns of research behavior from a new point of view.

王琦萍:Does the Interplay between the Personality Traits of CEOs and CFOs Influence Corporate Mergers and Acquisitions Intensity? An Econometric Analysis with Machine Learning-based Constructs

摘要:Although the upper echelons theory posits that senior executives’ personal characteristics influence firm performance, very few studies have examined the impact of the interplay between CEO and CFO characteristics on corporate activities. To fill this research gap, we propose an econometric analysis model to examine the interplays between the personality traits of CEOs and CFOs and corporate mergers and acquisitions (M&A) intensity. In particular, our econometric analysis model is empowered by novel personality constructs extracted using a state-of-the-art machine learning-based personality detector that automatically mines CEO/CFO personality traits from firms’ earnings call transcripts. Based on historical M&A data of S&P 1500 firms, our econometric analysis reveals that the “openness” personality trait of CEOs is positively associated with corporate M&A intensity, while CEOs’ “consciousness” and “neuroticism” personality traits are negatively associated with corporate M&A intensity. Moreover, the impacts of CEOs’ “openness” and “consciousness” personality traits on corporate M&A intensity are more pronounced when CFOs have similar personality traits to those of CEOs.

贺国秀:Re-examining lexical and semantic attention: dual-view graph convolutions enhanced bert for academic paper rating

摘要:Automatically assessing academic papers has enormous potential to reduce peer-review burden and individual bias. Existing studies strive for building sophisticated deep neural networks to identify academic value based on comprehensive data,  e.g.  , the academic graph and the full paper. However, these data are not always readily accessible. And the content instead of other features outside the paper should matter in a fair assessment. Besides, though BERT models can maintain general semantics by pre-training on a large-scale corpus, they tend to be over-smoothing due to stacked self attention among unfiltered input tokens. Therefore, it is nontrivial to figure out the distinguishable value of an academic paper from the limited content. In this study, we propose a novel deep neural network, namely Dual-view Graph Convolutions Enhanced BERT (  DGC-BERT  ), for academic paper acceptance estimation. We combine the title and abstract of the paper as input. Then, a pre-trained BERT model is employed to extract the paper's general representations. Apart from the hidden representations of the final layer, we highlight the first and last few layers as lexical and semantic views. In particular, we re-examine the dual-view filtered self-attention matrices via constructing two graphs, respectively. After that, two multi-hop Graph Convolutional Networks (GCNs) are separately employed to capture the pivotal and distant dependencies between tokens. Moreover, the dual-view representations are facilitated by each other with biaffine attention modules. And a re-weighting gate is proposed to further streamline the dual-view representations with the help of the original BERT representation. Finally, whether a submitted paper could be acceptable is predicted based on the original language model features cooperated with the dual-view dependencies. Extensive data analyses and the full paper based MHCNN studies provide insights into the task and structural functions. Comparison experiments on two benchmark datasets demonstrate that the proposed DGC-BERT significantly outperforms alternative approaches, especially the state-of-the-art model MHCNN and BERT variants. Additional analyses reveal the significance and explainability of the proposed modules in the DGC-BERT. Our codes and settings have been made publicly available on Github.

金武刚: 图书馆:公共文化服务均衡发展的引领者和促进者



摘要:元宇宙组织管理新模式。摘要:元宇宙是个虚拟与现实交互的环境,企业等组织管理模式将发生重大的变化。近十年多以来,一些大公司致力于科层制向扁平化转型,但成效甚微。WEB3.0的到来,区块链技术等,为扁平化或去中心化管理模式提供了技术支持。 本报告主要是讨论新的技术背景和社会环境下的组织管理模式。








