11月11日 | 经济与管理学部“全球经管大师云讲堂”系列讲座


时  间:2022年11月11日(周五)21:00-22:30

地  点:线上,ZOOM会议:84102511457会议密码:962644

题  目:The welfare effect of a consumer subsidy with price ceilings: the case of Chinese cell phones(有价格上限的消费者补贴的福利效应------以中国手机为例)

主讲人:Ying Fan(范瑛) 美国密歇根大学安娜堡分校经济学系副教授(终身教授)

主持人:周晓岚 青年研究员

主  办:经济与管理学部、华东师范大学中国经济研究中心

摘  要:

Subsidies to consumers may cause firms to charge higher prices, which offsets consumer benefits from subsidies. We study a subsidy program design that mitigates such price increases by making products' eligibility for a subsidy dependent on firms’ commitment to price ceilings. To quantify the importance of such competition for eligibility, we develop a structural model and an estimation procedure that accommodate binding pricing constraints. We find that competition for eligibility mitigates the price increases arising from the subsidy and even leads to a reduction in prices for some products. It improves consumer and total surpluses while limiting government subsidy payments.


范瑛,美国密歇根大学安娜堡分校经济学系副教授(终身教授);博士毕业于美国耶鲁大学;担任Rand Journal of Economics杂志主编。主要研究领域是产业组织经济学。研究兴趣包括产品选择,厂商进入,合并以及发展中国家的产业组织问题。在American Economic Review、Journal of Political Economy、RAND Journal of Economics、AEJ Microeconomics、《经济研究》等国内外杂志上发表论文多篇。
