时 间:2022年11月18日(周五)10:00-11:30
地 点:线上,腾讯会议:513 911 801
主讲人:肖俊极 香港岭南大学副教授(终生教职)
主 题:Is Pollution Reduced or Redistributed? The Impact of Electric Vehicle Subsidies in China
主持人:周晓岚 青年研究员
主 办:经济学院
摘 要:
In this paper, we study the geographically heterogeneous environmental effects of electric vehicle (EV) subsidies in China and compare the EV subsidies with alternative policies pricing externalities. A structural model featuring both demand and supply sides is estimated and then applied to analyze the environmental effects of EV subsidies through counterfactual analysis. Our fifindings suggest that EV subsidies redistribute the major pollutants and greenhouse gases from electricity importers to exporters. Local governments’ decisions on EV subsidies could be ineffificient if the pollution exported to the other provinces is ignored. In this situation, a centralized policy could partially address the problem. In addition, subsidies on technology that is less polluting are not the fifirst-best abatement policy. Pricing the externalities of internal combustion engine vehicles could reduce pollutants more effificiently.
肖俊极教授自2021年起担任岭南大学经济学副教授(终生教职)。他的研究领域为实证产业组织、环境经济学和中国经济。他最近的研究集中于中国汽车行业,探讨了竞争结构、环境政策的福利效应以及该行业的纵向约束等问题。在加入岭南大学之前,他分别在悉尼科技大学商学院、香港中文大学、复旦大学和上海财经大学任教。他曾于2001年获得德国DFG奖学金,2016年获得香港研资局资助。他的研究论文发表在International Economic Review, Review of Economics and Statistics, Journal of Industrial Economics, Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, International Journal of Industrial Organization and Journal of Comparative Economics等国际期刊上。他曾为中国国家市场监管总局的委托项目工作。