时 间:2021年9月27日(周一)13:30-15:00
地 点:理科大楼A1514会议室(中山北路校区)
题 目:The Limits of Monetary Economics: On Money as a Constraint on Market Power
主讲人:张圣醒 英国伦敦政经大学助理教授
为进一步加强学术交流,拟邀请英国伦敦政经大学张圣醒助理教授于2021年9月27日来经管学部进行讲座交流,主题为“ 。报告采取线下进行,时间为9月27日上午10点。张圣醒博士于8月初返沪探亲,目前已经结束14天隔离+7天居家健康监测,健康码状态为绿色。主持人为经济学院张敏老师。
张圣醒博士2014年毕业于纽约大学,获经济学博士,目前在伦敦政经大学(London School of Economics and Political Science)经济系任教。张圣醒博士的研究方向为宏观经济学,搜寻匹配理论,货币经济学。他的研究成果发表在经济学顶尖五大期刊(《American Economic Review》和《Review of Economic Studies》)和一流的《Journal of Economic Theory》等多个国际权威经济学杂志上。张圣醒博士于8月初返沪探亲,已经结束14天隔离+7天居家健康监测,健康码状态为绿色。
We formulate a generalization of the traditional medium-of-exchange function of money in contexts where there is imperfect competition in the intermediation of credit, settlement, or payment services used to conduct transactions. We find that the option to settle transactions with money strengthens the stance of sellers of goods and services vis-a-vis intermediaries, and show this mechanism is operative even for sellers who never exercise the option to sell for cash. These latent money demand considerations imply that in general, in contrast to current conventional wisdom in policy-oriented research in monetary economics, monetary policy remains effective through medium-of-exchange transmission channels—even in highly developed credit economies where the share of monetary transactions is negligible.